Saturday, August 8, 2009

My Visit From Beelzebub

"What happens in Afton stays in Afton."
--Afton PR Campaign

After the lightning storm passed, and my drunken makeout subsided with the moon hiding behind the clouds, a concoction was brewed for making my innermost hidden demon wake up for the first time in years.

I was left alone on a moon filled beach, sitting on a picnic bench, looking at a yacht anchored in a small cove across from me. That's when he stepped up.

"Hello, Peter."

(Still looking at the yacht)Peter: "Hey there, B. Figured you'd be by again."

B: "I'm inside you, I can't hide forever. You did a great number for Patch about me, didn't you? I kind of rubbed off in your conscious thought scheme recently."

P: "I thought I got rid of you, I was just making some new demons. Lesser demons."

B: "Nope. Just me."

P: "Why are you showing up now after all these years? I had my mantras, I cooled it down with that whole "Shit Field" fiasco. Worked in the past, why isn't it working tonight?"

B: "Pete, c'mon, man. Think about it. You're away from home. You're cramped with all the people that instigated my birth for the night. You can't get away. I had to come. It was a perfect equation."

P: "I like her, that's why, right? It's because I like her."

B: "You're possessive. That's my number one trait, my friend."

P: "But I've been talking about doing something like this forever, B."

B: "Well, now you know. Emotional attachment will bring me along for the ride."

P: "How long you gonna stay?"

B: "Hmmm . . . I think this might be similar to the two prom fiascos you went through."

P: "You stayed around for two years after that."

B: "Yeah, well . . ."

Holding my head, my voice changed into two different frequencies as I paced back and forth between the trees on that moonlit beach. He wants to consume me.

Patch -- "In Hopes to Mend"

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