There is a child in my class. He has a very timid nature about him. He didn't come to school yesterday because he was crying too much, saying he didn't want to go to school, so he didn't have to go. This kid doesn't have any preschool buddies. Just his sister.
He roams the classroom as slow as a sloth. He is extremely careful whenever he picks objects up. If he breaks something, even something trivial, like ripping a piece of paper on the drawing shelf, he freaks out and cries. Scared as can be. He scrapes his fingers on anything, he cries. Gets hit by a flailing hand by some careless kid he freaks out.
My coworker and I get really irritated by this sort of behavior. He doesn't misbehave, yet we're irritated and get angry with him, just by pure human nature. Makes me think.
The world is so full of PC vernacular. Don't offend these people, watch your words, treat others fairly. I've never subscribed to the Politically Correct School of Thought, mainly because I thought it was complete bullshit. All my life. This has made for a ton of awkward moments in my life. A lot of angry rebuttals from others. It's cool to be PC.
The Columbine shooters from way back when. Everyone says "We should've have listened to them, given them more attention." Guess what? If you were in their peers' shoes, you would've treated them the EXACT same as everyone else did. It's human nature to be irritated with the awkward, the weak, the other.
In Child Psychology, you read about the nature of boy and girl groups, how certain people flock together, who stays independent, etc. It's not rocket science. We are programmed as children to flock toward people who can teach us about ourselves. Boys hang out with boys holding similar interests, girls the same (when people are older, they tend to hang out in the same ethnic groups rather than diverse groups. No wonder Americans are always fighting with each other. There is a theory that people are born with the inclination to stick with the same herd in terms of race, and around 7 years old one can harness their social bigotry or overcome their innate racism and bigotry, but even so, you always have a little bit of the pre-programmed racism/bigotry of the "other" in you. Nothing to be ashamed of. You're human. Just acknowledge it, work with it. The only melting pot in our culture is Fondue.). If someone appears weak, the genetic program shuts out that person, opting to seek out others who can provide the child social sustenance. The timid temperament is avoided, meaning children don't so much make fun of others at the preschool age, but you can tell they avoid their company.
And we as adults tend to avoid the timid children as well. They are challenging to help out, especially when they don't show any effort to change themselves.
The crazies of the world are part of the mathematical equation of human nature. They may have had shitty parents and a terrible environment to grow up in, but even the trained "politically correct equal opportunity" teachers have difficulty getting past the timid nature of their students.
It's a sad fact. And those PC spouters are most likely guilty of that fault as well. It's hard to figure it all out, and most people, even the ones with the biggest hearts, don't have enough stamina to see their beliefs through to the end.
This fact pisses me off more than most. I am a self-proclaimed liberal, and I feel that most of my liberal bretheren are full of shit most of the time. They speak "equal" words, but don't listen to "difference", even when it comes from their own crowd, class, race, sex. Any opinions that are different than theirs or from mainstream PC logic are immediately discarded as mean or unsubstantiated.
Most of these people are afraid of acknowledging their humanity. I'm actually afraid of offending some of the readers, even though I feel I haven't really said anything new or off kilter. It's hard to talk about difference.
It seems that people are trying to eradicate difference. I can't talk about different cultures or races without feeling like I'm stepping on people's toes, and not so much the toes of cultures and races different than my own, but more my OWN race's/culture's toes.
Are we all so scared of humanity? Who we are? Who "they" are? People seem pretty set on who they "themselves" are. They use the in-crowd PC logic to seem like they care about others, jumping on flagged words and phrasings and streams of thought.
They're just Training Wheel Fascists.
A.A. Bondy -- "Vice Rag"
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