Martin Luther King, Jr.
Barack Hussein Obama.
It's led to this. It's not a question of being proud to be an American. That is one of the worst things you can possibly say.
Karma. The combined forces of all of our will, the world's will, has led to tomorrow's events. Bush, the stuttering buffoon that he is, was good for us. In order to know how to overcome, one must be thrust into the depths of humility and self-reckoning. We sat on our asses, we WANTED to get Bush elected. I don't care if he wasn't "officially" elected, no, we WANTED him elected. By our inaction for those pivotal years, 2000 and 2004, we opted to challenge ourselves. We opted to make the world hate us.
The world hates us so that we can face our own failures, what we hate about ourselves, to overcome our obstacles and do what we know we need to get done.
We overcame the prejudice. We overcame the small minded propaganda. We overcame the thinking of the middle school playground wave of thought. If more than one person chooses that LEFT is the word of the day on those playgrounds, you can bet your ass no one is going RIGHT, despite the fact that it's a legitimate direction as any.
We put a black person in the oval office.
You look back on the last eight years, are you going to see the glass as half full, half empty, or just a glass with water? You choose the latter of the three, Bush was good for the country in the end. It made us so fed up with OUR inaction that it was only right that a man with such poise and courage as Barack would step up to the plate. He knew it was time.
God bless America? No. The forces that be, our will, blesses the world, which in turn blesses America by pure logic. The forces made Obama President.
I've been thinking today. At the school, we talked about Martin Luther King, we talked about that bullshit word "freedom". We talked about equality.
We talked the same to the kids as we talk to adults. "We have values, we have freedom, we have liberty, we are equal, we have peace, we have love."
No we don't have those things. No we aren't those things.
Those are nice words to tell children that it's going to be safe. Everything's alright. People are so afraid to face the truth of their nature, what will be, that they blind themselves with these bullshit words. The words they were taught as children, by liberals, by conservatives, by independents, by man girl friend foe gay straight killer lover human being.
Look into those words.
They have no meaning. They are comfort words. Like soft hands on your shoulders as you cry.
What are some real words? Death, life. Black, white. Power, corruption, altruism. Neighbor. Volunteer.
Teach those words to your children instead of vague terms. Love your child, help your child, say "Love" but show love. Say "Peace" but show peace. Those words only work if you practice what you preach. They are 50% bullshit.
The other bullshit words: value. Say "Value" but show value? What does that mean? Say "Freedom" but show freedom? Show "Equality"? How?
You can't. So stop saying those 100% bullshit words.
The only real peace on earth is local. It's how you act toward your neighbor. It's shutting off your thoughts, your stubborness, to feel ultimate compassion toward another.
World peace? Never going to happen. Unless you can give up, much like the "Fight Club" school of thought, let chaos rule. With no order, everything is the same. Everything's equal. No one rules another, violence is happiness.
Have you ever seen a toddler classroom? It is one of the most violent realms on earth. Violence is not learned, it is innate, and when you grow older you can choose to suppress it or use it based on what your parents and society has taught you.
Toddlers will kill each other if a teacher is not there to stand guard. Trust me. Violence is the basal element of communication. It is gesturing. It is using your body to communicate, just like pointing. Only because of the emotions involved, the pointing becomes more direct.
Know that you are an animal. Know that you harbor violence. Know that you are by nature a bigot. Know that you are a selfish, surviving mortal being.
And then know that you also have a gift. A gift for acquiring knowledge, that you can change. You will never get rid of your darkness, but you can use it in other ways. The only peace on earth is admitting your faults.
That will never happen to 100% of the population at the same time. So have self peace, and let the rest of the world work it out for themselves.
Obama will not bring world peace, but he gives me peace. Knowing Bush is out tomorrow gives me peace. Knowing that the last eight years might have been the best cause for Obama, for a slave race, to overcome the obstacle and be the equal: that brings me peace. If it doesn't bring you peace, so be it.
Your violence, your unrest at Obama, at anything I agree with, won't squelch my peace. If your violence gives you peace after you've killed me, I won't care, I'll have eternal peace or my peace will continue into the next life, according to most of you people willing to make violence over the reason of my peace. Just know this: your violence will cause you unrest, most likely. But you'll figure it out in the end.
That brings me peace, or I'm at least trying to let it bring me peace.
"Don't let the door hit ya on the way out!"

Saul Williams -- "Black History Month"
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