Monday, January 26, 2009


If I die in this level, I'll start again on January 26.

A day for reflection. I took off work for a probable oncoming cold. Is there a time when you can stop it from actually starting? When you feel slight fatigue and that little tickle in your throat, if you drink a ton of water and pop Vitamin C could you potentially drown the fuckers out before they start giving you symptoms? Or is it too late by the time that you start noticing that your body doesn't feel like its normal upitty self?

I also want to just lay in my bed and think. Think about '09 so far, think about my goals again. I've been slightly behind (of course, did you think that when the calendar changed you would miraculously be cured of lethargy?), and haven't been taking care of myself like I need to.

Some goals to help the big goals:

--No internet browsing (save for writing in this blog) until 10:00pm on weekdays.
--Have a cowboy night (night where I go out by my lonesome and meet random strangers) every two weeks
--Don't be tempted into being sucked into movies that the rest of the household want to see each night or afternoon. Your work won't get done, and you've seen those movies at least five times before. Have a "One Movie a Week" quota with them.
--Call up family and old friends every two weeks
--Plan at least two social events each week for people to join you on

My brain's straining and stretching for more. I think that's a good list to start from.

Goldfrapp -- "Happiness"

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