Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Dance of the Invisible

Transcendence is an invisible force. It works its magic slowly, unbeknownst to the host. Commencing a transcend dance around the subject in quick, graceful strides, like Superman going back through time by flying around the Earth in a counter-rotation pattern, changing fate, changing the face of things, creating a catalyst for the next step or chapter in the essence of life.

2009 has proven to be the bringer of change. Karmath pertains to friendship and the loss of friendship. Brothers and sisters have announced their departure at the end of the summer. Karmath pertains to learning valuable lessons the hard way. Dealing with the departure not in small steps, but in one vast "up-and-adam". Karmath shows the way one must travel in order to grow. It also shows the way to hinder growth, but it doesn't announce which path is which.

The name Karmath is obviously derived from Karma and math. When pertaining to me, I view the essence of combining the two (spiritual belief and most absolute and finite logic currently possible for humanity) to be the most essential way to live my life. I have faith in a higher realm, but I don't lose sight of revision, pragmatism, and I keep my idealism in check. Math and Karma work with the blind, the religious clowns, even if they don't pick up on what these schools are dolling out. The actions you partake in in life follow you throughout your soul's existence. The acts of evil, of weakness, come back to bite you in the end. The acts are all part of a vast system of rules and guidelines, in my mind, for the universe. We are pawns in a game of chess too big to realize. Our world is merely a fraction of a square tile on a chess board. These rules are bendable, but they tend not to break in favor of pure free will. The rules are to keep us in check, to help us learn. To come out victorious over the number of years our soul is present in this realm. Karma is the ladder that we climb in order to leave this realm and visit the next.

Our realm uses math, the most pure form of fact, as a guideline. Miracles can be performed by Yogi's, but they aren't without logic. We just haven't figured out the equations. Water has been turned into wine. It's not without reason. The dead have risen, water has been walked on, liquids in glasses have moved to higher positions without so much as a single pour, flowers have bloomed on trees without the routine of celestial ruling being present (i.e. cherry blossoms blooming in January in a matter of seconds from being bare), and I was born because of one's timely remark to my father "You should go home, now" (I'll explain in person). All of these miracles have happened, it's not Christian bullshit. I've experienced them second hand. And they are the catalyst for my belief in a spiritually logical way of living, probably not unlike the way of the Vulcans.

With that said, at certain junctures of one's life, one can feel the transcendence of Karmath working. I've felt it in short bursts throughout the six preceding months. I'm currently feeling it now. The logic I've used takes the monthly fractions, each consecutive fourth has been a new step in a spiritual direction. The first fourth of this year I was stuck in my room, preparing the recordings that would be the tool for me to embark on my dream, my purpose. I was sad, depressed, alone. It was a time that taught me the importance of laziness and its effect on the human psyche.

The second fourth started out in full emotional turmoil, a carry over symptom from the previous fourth's laziness, frantically trying to realize my dream's move from abstract idea to material object. I finished recording in a fit of fever and fury, unhealthy and wrought with jitters. Patch co-producer Schuyler said, "Why the timetable? Why does it have to be done now?" His words made me relax, to settle down. I took things in stride, and embarked on getting the live form ready for lift off. Greg Strom and I have been meeting weekly, going through preparations for when the three other players join us. The wheel of activity cooled down, but not for lack of activity. It cooled down due to the nature of calm within. I've realized my friendships, I've had a tiny bit of leisure. Work has given me the gift of less responsibilty. I've had an iota of vacation.

The third fourth will undoubtedly ramp up activity while hopefully keeping the engine cool. The live band will now come together, rehearsing and learning. My recordings will be finished and sent off to the powers that be. More preparation, but closer to the stage of action, which will be the last fourth. Three stages of potential, one stage of kinetic, carrying over into the next round of stages.

From a writing standpoint, I've realized that this blog hasn't been everything that I had hoped it would be. Initially, I wanted a "smart", poetic, in depth look into the aspects of my life that I've delved into day in day out so far this year. Sometimes it's been lacking in depth due to utter tiredness and outright boredom from having to document every single day. The nature of this blog is going to change in pursuit of that goal. Entries will become a little more abstract, less candid. The last week of entries is more like the entries I hope to create in the next six months.

Keep on reading, whoever you are. It will only get more interesting as the year wanes on . . .

Saul Williams -- "Notice of Eviction"

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