Saturday, June 6, 2009

Out From the Cave, These Dwellers Came

Nursing my post-apocalyptic hangover, I traversed into the back music rehearsal space (because banging on the drums as hard as you can makes the headache go away -- fucking idiot pills, I need 'em) and started hitting some skins. I started playing some Lizard People songs, and Taylor appeared a little while later with guitar in hand. He plugged in, I turned on the mic, and we had ourselves an impromptu four hour practice session shelling out new material for Lizard People.

We've been toying with an idea for a song called "The Russel Trust", a bluesy drop D song that would be perfect with random bangs of percussion, such as steel pipe hits, tools, buckets. I rigged up a set with a pan serving as a snare, a steel C02 cartridge, and a kettle drum covered in wrenches. I have to come up with something less crude, since all of the objects were getting knocked off with certain hard hits. This will be a precursor set to the Patch Live drum setup, which will have all kinds of weird percussion elements.

It was good to be in the Lizard mindset again. We have a show on June 25th at The Beat coffee house.

(The following MP3 is from a local band, well, Eau Claire might not be local, but it's the next big city over, that went defunct a couple years ago. I saw them live at the Triple Rock and loved them. They play on a number of tools, buckets, ratchets, etc. Upon meeting them I told them they reminded me of the Home Improvement Tool Time band. They looked at me with blank stares, like I was stupid. I told Adri this story today and he gave me the same look. Well, you naysayers, here's the goddamn proof!)

Belles of Skin City -- "The Basquiat of Iowa"

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