There are a couple of places I'd like to visit before I die. Riding 5 minute long rollercoasters down the mountains of Germany is one thing, for sure. But I found an interesting destination in the middle of China -- a place to not just visit before you die, but a place TO fucking die. The Heavenly Stairs, quite possibly the most terrifying hiking trail on Earth. I'm deathly afraid of heights, just looking at the photos of this place made me squeamish. You apparently have to use all the strength you can muster away from hiking up a mountain to concentrating that every move you make isn't your last. It's like you're staring into the faces of the angels in Heaven, whoever blinks first loses.
I think the reason I get like this looking at a picture of a place on the complete opposite side of the world is knowing that despite my agoraphobia, I would totally climb it anyway. I'm weird like that. I'd be trembling, freaking out, but going out on the planks at the top, knowing that I did it without incident, would be so fulfilling.
Maybe one day . . .
Check this place out:
Alela Diane -- "White as Diamonds"
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