These sleeps are the most needed, but they are the ones I fuck up the most.
The sleeps that are sudden, almost unbearable to ignore, are dangerous. Mainly because I become too lazy to even turn off the fucking lights. Music is playing on pre-made playlists (which aren't conducive to sleeping, they're pretty loud). And the clothes I wear in these slumbers aren't PJ's, they're tight jeans and sweaters. Not comfy cloths to lounge in.
Also, voices always linger outside my door around 11 or 12. I don't get it. If it's the weekend or Monday (random day that without fail has 11 clock voices outside my door) loud voices permeate through my little barrier of a door. These wake me up.
Last night is a good example of the "Sudden" sleeps:
--Drowse at 10. Fall asleep immediately listening to music.
--12:00 I'll wake up to voices. Last night Marta knocked on my door after my eyes opened a little. She came in and showed me the covers she needs to wear over her eyes for her recent lasic surgery, which to my nasty sleep gooed contacts looked like a spider had webbed her eyelids shut. She also showed me a nasty bruise on her thigh. She said she wanted me to see these things, thinking I'd appreciate it. I did, actually. I went back to sleep with a smile on my face, forgiving the intrusion.
--2:30 ALWAYS wake up at this time with the "Sudden"'s. My brain tells me to take my contacts out, brush my teeth, turn off the lights, put comfy clothes on, go pee. This always wakes me up a little too much and I can't get back to sleep. An hour will go by until I fall asleep. Lots of interesting thought processes go on during this time. I had a schpeel in my head about my new friend Khurrem sticking a gun in my face asking for bubble gum. That's all I was good for. Bubble gum. She also wanted my purse. I told her "What purse?" She then dropped her purse into the SUV I was driving (never in my life will I own an SUV) and demanded I give it back, cocking the hammer back. I laughed, breaking out into reality, turned on some music. The wrong music. Dillinger Escape Plan. Didn't know too much about them, so I figured I would lay down and fall asleep to new sounds. They're hard core metal, not something to be falling asleep to at 3:30 in the goddamn morning. Immediately after the album was done, I fell asleep.
--7:15 My circadian rhythm wakes me up. It's Saturday. I'm god awfully tired still, not feeling rested at all. I go back to sleep.
--9:00 Weird final dreams break me out into reality. I feel more tired than ever. Figure I'll be taking naps all day long just to feel sane.
I took two today. Still haven't gotten around to the music session I wanted to have at 2:00 this afternoon.
The "Sudden"'s are dangerous. They'll rob you of weekend ambition. Be warned, people. Be warned.

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