Friday, July 31, 2009

LP III: Dark Alleys


Memory Lanes -- Minneapolis, MN
July 31, 2009

1. Pomp and Consequences
2. Snozberry Beret
3. The Know
4. St. Anthony
5. Double D-Day
6. Long Snake Moan (PJ Harvey cover)
7. Ginger Grapevine
8. Cubesong

Playing music in a busy bowling alley doesn't make much for crowd interaction. In fact, I felt like I was somewhat rehearsing. I felt comfortable and calm, but this wasn't a good thing. You want to be all fired up and fretting, shaking, sweating. Didn't hinder the show too much, but it wasn't our best show all around.

While drumming easy riffs or in lag times, I would find myself staring and following bowling ball trajectories as they careened down their consecutive alleys. Sometimes I would nod at the people who made strikes, with a quick salute with my sticks.

It's a strange venue. I don't know if I quite like it. I like the aspect of playing a rock show (since it's always fun) and then doing a smorgasbord of drinking and bowling (bands play for a buck, get two free drink tickets, and are given $100 upfront for playing the night. Good deal, to say the least).

It's just . . . not the best for artistic statements, let's just say. Otherwise it's a good place to play if you're content with being background noise for the evening, wanting to earn $30 while hanging out with close friends. I can't complain.

Claw Like Things -- "Monster Comes Alive"

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