Friday, July 17, 2009

"?" Begets "!"

The elements of "what ifs".

What if the Middle East's treatment of women is better overall than the West's treatment?

What if our criticisms of the American government contribute to more negative energy than positive?

What if art was the cause of war because it was too perplexing and stifled discussion, making it as bad if not worse than the concept of weapons of mass destruction?

What if I was too uncomfortable to ask these questions? What if I could just discuss without an ounce of debate from the listening party? Would I even care to ask these questions?

What if you found any of the first three questions here somewhat offensive? Why?

Could you put yourself in the shoes of an enemy and come out completely untouched and untainted with your enemy's viewpoints? Would you change? Or are you frightened that you will change, prompting you to be determined in resistance toward ever getting close to your enemy, protecting your fickle viewpoints on life?

I think the answer to most wedge issues stem from the last paragraph. Just as the fear of heights stems from the notion that it's not the height itself, it's that people are afraid they will jump. Emotion, when it comes to discourse, prevents change and growth.

In most cases, when it comes to asking questions, I feel like we're too afraid TO jump off of a cliff.

Power of 2 -- "Squareknot"

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