Saturday, October 24, 2009

Life's Lemons

Tarot cards, cheesy records, ukes, and Saul Williams . . .

The best damn expensive pasta dish I've ever had in my entire life . . .

Rogue Dead Guy ale . . .

Talking about the nitty gritty, no holds barred . . .

This has been a good weekend.

Again, the affirmation that good people are in my life. I was setting up the drumset in the Patch rehearsal space. The space is still filled with roommate materials. The end of the month should see an instrument only space. Without really even telling me, Dustin, a great, great friend and musical companion (and most likely lead guitarist for Patch now), came over spontaneously. I heard him ask property manager Rick McCoy outside "Is Peter here?" I looked up with a shock. I thought he was around for my roommate. He came into the room and immediately started organizing cables and cords, power strips and instruments. It was one of those seemingly trivial moments that I'll take with me to the grave. People care about this project. People care about me. People know I care about them.

You want to help people out, Dustin? Just keep doing what you're doing. You're fucking number one in my book. All the guys in Patch so far are. Greg, Adri, Dustin . . . and one more that I'll be meeting tomorrow, hopefully . . .

Post-setup, I went out to St. Paul and took in the Selby neighborhood with Ashley, who truly inhabits the Karmath vibe. Combining logic with spirituality, all night long we conversed about the vessel and the soul . . . and I realized that the Dulcimer is one of the most awesome instruments to just sit down and play . . . and it's great for interrogation purposes, as well. Not saying what.

Life is good. Watch, I'll be struck with a fatal illness this week.

Pearl Jam -- "Soon Forget"

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