Thursday, May 28, 2009

Sad Jesus

Tonight, Miniapple had its Spring Program at St. Lawrence Church, complete with a potluck at the end. A couple of days ago, while sitting in "rehearsal" with the kids in the pews waiting for our turn to go up and sing, the kids were asking about Jesus on the cross.

"Who is that?"

Me: "That's Jesus."

Kid: "He looks sad."

Me: "I think he's actually supposed to be happy. People think he died to make others happy, so that made him happy."

Kid: "Happy?! What?!"

Me: "Hey, don't look at me. I didn't make it up. A lot of people believe in that stuff."

Kid: "He's scary."

Damn straight, son.

Also, while cleaning out our classroom a little as we wind down the school year, my coworker found a piece of paper. It was a note written to a former teachers who used to teach in the same classroom by a parent of a child long gone from Miniapple. It was written after a conversation the parent and child had had about Montessori Method and its history.

Here's the note verbatim:

"February 13, 2004

Tracy and Amy:

Sally is very excited about Maria Montessori history. Here are two things she has picked up from the prep she's getting for Italian Day at the end of the month:

1. When Maria Montessori died Amy took over the school. It was really hard work, but Amy understands how to do things like Maria Montessori so everything about the school is good.

2. Maria Montessori taught children to only use their hands for gentle things. Sally told me that when she goes to Meadowbrook next year the children will be throwing spitballs all the time. If she gets hit by a spitball she will tell the kid who threw it to stop. If the kid doesn't stop she will punch him. I asked Sal, "What about using gentle hands?" "Well, I won't punch him hard," she said.

Thanks for all you do for Sally. Being at Miniapple has been a wonderful experience for our whole family."

If I could just sit and talk with children all day, that'd be all I would need. Sharing laughs and animal crackers.

The Hives -- "Outsmarted"

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