May 17, 2009 was the first day Patch ever had a live rehearsal. It's also my mom's birthday. It's also my biggest hero's birthday. It's also the day I did my first "Trip Sitting". It was also the day I was first pulled over by a cop.
Item 1: Taking place in Greg's apartment, we worked out the entire script for the live version of "LCD". I think it's doable. Still needs practice, obviously. Success on this front.

Item 4: To protect the innocent, let's just say that it started with this:

I was slightly terrified. This is more a story to tell in person . . . along with . . .
Item 5: I've never been pulled over by a cop before. A few cops have come up to my car a number of times asking about shady business. And I've technically gotten stopped while walking while outside my house in Milwaukee back in high school. Last night I parked my car in my driveway and a cop was right behind. So, second time in my own driveway, first time stopped for traffic related endeavors.
Coming home from Item 4's ordeal had shaken my nerves. I was completely out of it and daydreamy. I apparently ran through a red light without even knowing it. That's what kind of an ordeal Item 4 was without actually describing it here. The cop was so pissed for some reason, demanding "You knew! C'mon! I'll let you off with just a warning if you admit to knowing you went through the light!"
I had to say "No, I'm sorry. I don't remember."
I came THIS close to getting a ticket because of my honesty. But here's why:
She was grumbling, and I retorted by saying "It's been a long night, ma'am, I was daydreaming and frazzled. I'm sorry."
She yelled back, with the K9 freaking out in the back, which in turn freaked out all the dogs in the goddamn two block vicinity, "Yeah, you think you've had a bad night?! I just watched somebody get their face shot off!! Whatta ya think of that?!"
I said "Yeah, that's . . . that's worse than mine."
She gave me the ticket after a bout of grumbling "Coulda let ya off . . ." and such. After I had the pink slip in my hand I said "Can I ask? I'm curious. What light did I run through?"
She stopped, calmer, thank god. She said "The Broadway and Monroe one. You stopped and then went right through."
I started laughing. "Jeeesus Christ! Oh my god!"
She squinted. "You . . . really don't remember, do ya?"
Laughing, I said "No. I'm sorry. I said it's been a hard night. I was completely lost in thought."
She stopped and then reached out "Alright, give me the ticket."
I said "Thank you so much. I'm so sorry."
She said "Yeah, yeah, yeah. Remember I let ya off, now. I let ya off with a warning!"
I said "I'm truly sorry you had to witness someone getting their face shot off. Really."
She said "Well, thank you. I guess I still have a face, I can't complain."
With that, she pulled out of my driveway.
Still has a face . . . if that's the moral of the day, I'm stumped.
Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young -- "Carry On"
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