ASPIRATION: Move to Uptown where da ladies at. To have a change of scenery. To continue performing in music related endeavors with Patch, Sharp Teeth, Nikki Schultz, yet call Uptown homebase. Northeast seems to be a little off the beaten path when it comes to the "scene". I feel it. It's more of a neighborhood feel, a place to settle down. Adri's doing what I should be doing. Getting in the middle of the hustle and bustle before the bustle moves on without him.
BEST MEMORY: Adri was my gateway into the Brotherhood. It all started through him. He and I met while at the University. I had seen him around, talked with him here and there. It wasn't until we were in a play together, "The Laramie Project", when it all came together. We talked music, clothes, girls. He was my other, my brotha from anotha motha, to the point where we were inseparable. He and I would show up to parties together all the time, people thought we were gay lovers.
The entire run of "Laramie" would have to take the cake, though, for the overall best experience with Adri. The play is somewhat of a downer, considering it's all about a homosexual boy who's beaten and tied to a fence and left for dead. Despite this, Adri and I could never stop laughing. Not at the subject matter, mind you. But backstage we'd constantly be doing things we weren't supposed to do. Whispering and laughing hysterically to the point where we could be heard out in the audience.
One night we had to be off book, meaning we had to know our lines through and through without calling "LINE?!" to the directors. The entire cast was competent in this. We knew our shit. We started to have a run-through, everything was going tip top. Adri's first cue came about. The spotlight was on him. Everyone was silent. Drama was at the extreme. He stood there. Strong, competent. He cleared his throat.
And in total character: "LINE?!"
I fucking lost it. The entire cast did. We were rolling around on the floor laughing.
Adri was scolded, he learned his lines. Through and through. At the dress rehearsal, he was on fire. He was getting laughs galore from the faculty audience. The hardest monologues were seared into place. Then came his easiest role (in "Laramie" each cast member plays about five or six characters).
The Bailiff.
His only line: "All rise."
He gets out onstage. Again, the dramatic pause. We're all choking ourselves up for the big courtroom scene. Tears in our eyes.
In front of an actual audience:
I fell off my bench I was laughing so hard.
From then on, Adri and I always shared a private joke. If you screwed up, tripped, made a dufus of yourself, you pulled a "bailiff".
Queen -- "Dragon Attack"
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