ASPIRATION: To study the intricacies and mysteries of Anthropology within the confines of a Washington State University graduate program. Post-Wash, she will travel the world in search of ways to apply her anthro-knowledge, most likely in the vein of Public Health. Epidemics and Pandemics beware, this woman will smite you!
BEST MEMORY: My favorite memories of Marta probably happen to be memories best left forgotten on a conscious scale for Marta, but they are ingrained, memories that have built our friendship to what it is today. Marta would pop into my room every so often when she wasn't busy and talk about relationship woes. The door would close, tears would be shed, laughter would be had. The reason I pick these "not-so-nice" memories is because without them we wouldn't be so close. She trusted me and I trusted her. I always welcomed her talks, because they fueled future outings, such as to the post-Winnipeg Opera spin-a-thon in front of Northrup Auditorium and the front and center viewing of Nine Inch Nails' "Lights in the Sky" tour. The talks would continue until they didn't hurt so much anymore. They were now associated with positive experiences. True growth has never been so exemplified as in the presence of these experiences with Marta. It was humbling.
I love you, Marta. UGHHHH!!!!!!
Ismail Darbar -- "Dola re Dola"
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