We have a new kid in the class. He was rooting through his cubby, looking for a sweater, when all of a sudden a cell phone dropped out onto the floor. I thought it was a toy. So as he tried to put on his coat (failing by putting it on upside down), I picked up the phone and pressed a button. It turned on. It was a real, working cell phone.
Now, granted, it was a Motorola piece of crap from the year 1834, but a goddamn 4 year old HAD A CELL PHONE!!! I asked "Is this yours?" He said, "Yeah, my mom gave it to me." I said "Not just for today, right? I mean, this is YOUR phone, for always." He said "Yeah, it's my own phone."
The kid has a cell phone. I was speechless. He showed me how to work the damn thing. He doesn't know how to put on a jacket but he knows how to text message!
Childhood priorities have obviously changed since my day.

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