Friday, December 4, 2009

The Home Stretch

We are coming to a close on the Karmath blog. Getting down to the wire.

What haven't I talked about that I've always wanted to talk about, but has never quite happened on a daily happening in 2009? Or didn't seem important enough to talk about as of yet?

What about some meta writing? Some "behind the scenes" info on the behind the scenes blog.

FACTOID 1: I've grown to groan at this blog on certain days. I love the blog, I'm proud of it, but there are just some days where I don't feel up to writing anything. Nothing important happened, nothing of note. I have days where I sit around and do nothing, or I do the same thing for a number of days. A project, perhaps. Tonight, in fact, I'm sick with a fever, and all I'm doing is catching up on blogs . . .

FACTOID 2: This entry is actually being written on December 7 instead of December 4, so that little bit about being sick with a fever today . . . I had a fever three days ago, but I wrote it as if . . . you know. If I've been busy, I have to play catchup (I think on the actual Friday, I only got up to the TSA security rant). I've come to realize that I don't have time to do this anymore. I'm sticking with it until the end of the month, of course (why stop when I'm so close to the finish?), but with the coming year and with Patch . . . expect fewer blogs. Well, it won't be daily. This was an experiment, to do it every day of the year. When creativity gets the better of me, "Welcome to Circadia" will fall victim to my prose/poetry/audio/video/photography. So . . . not all of the entries here are "true" entries, but the things that they talk about are all true things that happened on the true date. They just . . . were written a couple days later.

FACTOID 3: For you Facebook note readers, you do realize that this was all meant to be seen at, right? It's an MP3 blog. You're supposed to listen to the MP3's and watch videos. You don't get that on Facebook.

The main purposes of Karmath: The Blog

--See the birth of Patch. From recording to practicing. No end product here, though. That will all be happening in 2010.
--MP3's. These remind me that I've lived a day. A song comes on, I lived that day. 365 songs will have been posted, each coinciding with a day. I'll always think of that certain day, whether it was the day I crashed my car, started Patch rehearsals, finished Schematics recording, had sex with a beautiful woman, got dumped by that same beautiful woman (most likely for writing about it here), or sat around in my PJ's watching X-Files all day, I'll think of those days by the particular song coinciding with those events.

FACTOID 5: Initially, I was thinking I'd have fake stories to tell, much along the lines of the Polish Sausage sauna storyline stemmed from my old roommate Marta's parents' sauna in Eden Prairie. I'm kind of disappointed more haven't come to fruition. I'll try to have at least one by the end of the year. I would have liked to have had a good combination of fake and true, a quasi-Dylan-esque blog. You wouldn't be able to tell the real from the false. But this has been more about honesty. "Circadia" will delve into this realm more, since it will be a public blog. This will go private shortly into 2010.

FACTOID 6: I'm also surprised I haven't dealt with more risque topics. There have been a couple entries where I've gotten a response from a more than normal number of people. The "What Do Women Want?" rant rings a bell. Also (uh, I'll be dealing with this one on Monday, I mean today, I mean Monday!!), the recent "Empty Presents" entry sparked a little discussion with my coworker about Christmas and how my viewpoint made her angry. I've had some "suicidal" depressed notes as well, most likely following a breakup or bad news. But there are only a few that have caused a scuffle. I was scared initially that I would eventually start pissing people off left and right on some of my rants. But I haven't ranted too too much. I haven't done much political ranting, either. Of politics, much should be said, but I never felt it necessary to talk about, unless it dealt with Obama's election back in January.

I've also balanced the candid/anonymous beam: how much should be said about these people? They were involved with this interesting anecdote, is it going to piss them off that I said these things? I've found that people OUTSIDE of the situation got more concerned with me talking about certain people than the people involved. When I was first seeing a girl back in June, I felt very strongly about her. Couldn't stop thinking about her, really. I wrote a poetic entry about our first date at Nye's ("Glittered Booths") and another old roommate Taylor commented "You shouldn't be talking about that. What if she sees it? You'll kill the moment." Maybe he was right. But now I'll always remember that awesome moment with her. Maybe she will, too, because of the entry.

I'll have a little more metawriting for the last entry. For now . . . enjoy this while it lasts . . .

The Asteroids Galaxy Tour -- "Around the Bend"

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